We Keep Your Waterways Clean

We’re your Number One choice for targeted waterways cleanups. We restore nature’s delicate balance to your waterways all over Louisiana & Surrounding States!

We Keep Your Waterways Clean

We’re your Number One choice for targeted waterways cleanups. We restore nature’s delicate balance to your waterways all over Louisiana & Surrounding States!

We Keep Your Waterways Clean

We’re your Number One choice for targeted waterways cleanups. We restore nature’s delicate balance to your waterways all over Louisiana & Surrounding States!

We Keep Your Waterways Clean

We’re your Number One choice for targeted waterways cleanups. We restore nature’s delicate balance to your waterways all over Louisiana & Surrounding States!

We Keep Your Waterways Clean

We’re your Number One choice for targeted waterways cleanups. We restore nature’s delicate balance to your waterways all over Louisiana & Surrounding States!


AquaDoc is all about helping you more easily, affordably, and successfully maintain your waterway. Having a hard time reaching your DUCK BLIND…Have AquaDoc clear your way!

We keep your waterway clear of hazards and eyesores by means of eco-friendly aquatic weed harvesters and dredge machines. All of this equipment is state-of-the-art. The technologic marvels we use—such as the specialty vessels made by leading manufacturer Weedoo Greenboats Inc.—are designed to be exceptionally kind and considerate to the environment.



Mechanical harvesting versus chemical herbicides is the great debate when it comes to tackling water weed problems. When you’re faced with an infestation of any of the water weeds you can feel so overwhelmed and frustrated that you just want the problem to go away as quickly as possible. This causes many people to turn to chemical herbicides, thinking they are the quickest route to solving the problem. In this article, we’ll cover two important issues to carefully consider before making any decision about mechanical harvesting versus chemical herbicides: The biomass factor and the safety factor. Please make an informed decision!

Aquatic Services

Our waterway cleanup equipment and services are designed to control algae and aquatic vegetation while keeping a healthy, balanced ecosystem. We are fully equipped with biological know-how and aquatic knowledge. Whether your goal is to have a beautiful waterway or just to enjoy your water for recreational purposes, we are confident that we can meet your needs and provide you with a range of services no other aquatic firm is capable of providing. 

Our Mechanical Harvesting Equipment Helps You to Clean:






Use Our Mechanical Harvesting Equipment To Keep Your Waterways Clear of Invasive Weeds, Garbage, And Other Debris